MARCH 10-12, 2006


Chairman Andrew S. called the Assembly to order and the Assembly recited the Serenity Prayer. Emily read the Twelve Steps, Mary read the Twelve Traditions, Vicky read the Twelve Concepts, Maureen read from For Today and Jane read from Voices of Recovery. Connie welcomed the Assembly to San Antonio. The Chair introduced the Steering Committee: Vice-Chair Francene A., Recording Secretary Nola W. Treasurer Rhonda J., and Region III Trustee Debbie W. He also introduced Parliamentarian, Louise Hall. Sallie G. volunteered to take informal notes.


Treasurer Rhonda J. called the roll. The total number of voting representatives was 29 plus 3 steering committee members for 32 and 33 in case of a tie. Rhonda made a motion that the credentials report be accepted. An adjustment was made to add Sallie G. as a rep from the unaffiliated group in Marshall, TX. Motion was seconded and carried.


Parliamentarian Louise Hall explained that the purpose of parliamentary procedure was to keep business flowing in an effective, orderly and efficient manner. She expressed her pleasure at being part of our Region III Assembly.


Recording Secretary Nola W. read the proposed Standing Rules for the Assembly and made a motion that the Standing Rules be adopted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.


Recording Secretary presented the Agenda and moved that it be accepted with the following amendment: After item VIII after the word “Trustee” insert “Nomination and Election of Communications Secretary.” The Agenda was amended and the motion to accept was seconded and carried.


The Chair stated that copies of the minutes from the Fall 2005 Assembly were in the packets and asked for additions or corrections. There being no discussion, the minutes were approved as presented.


Treasurer Rhonda J. presented the Treasurer’s Report. She explained the documents included in her report and the Treasurer’s Report was filed for audit. She began circulation of an envelope for 7th Tradition contributions.


Chairperson Andrew S. gave his report. He explained that our communications secretary Marla D. had resigned due to family issues and that an incoming communications secretary would be elected at this Assembly. Karen S. volunteered to serve on the reference subcommittee at WSBC. He explained that the terms of steering committee positions for Chair and Recording Secretary will expire at the next Assembly and that applications for those positions must be to him by August 24, 2006.


Vice-Chairperson Francene A. gave her report. She thanked the Colorado Springs Assembly for their efforts and expressed appreciation for the efficient and timely manner in which all business was finalized. She asked that dates of upcoming Assemblies and Conventions be sent to her as soon as possible so that other events of groups could be planned and not overlapped.


Nola W., Recording Secretary, explained that she would be passing around a book for all representatives to sign so that contact information could be included in the informal notes as well as sent out to all in an email.


Debbie W., Region III Trustee, reviewed her report and called attention to reduced literature rates for major professional meetings where an OA booth is maintained. She explained that Lifeline is now a 10 month publication and controversial issues are again being welcomed by the editors. She began circulation of an envelope for chances to win a Lifeline subscription in a drawing to be held after lunch.


The Chair appointed Barbara, Chris and Lucille as the Tellers. Four people accepted nominations for the position of Communications Secretary. They were: Vicky W., Andrea MacD, Jackie W., and Mary H.. Each nominee spoke for five minutes about their qualifications, experience and willingness to serve. Mary H. received 16 of the 32 possible votes. All other nominees withdrew their nominations and Mary H. was elected.


Committee chairs reconvened at 2:15

Assembly reconvened at 2:30


Debbie W., Region III Trustee announced that the amount of7th Tradition contributions collected was $145.


12thStep Within

Chairperson: Vicky W.
Maureen E.
Andrew S.
Tammie P., Katchy C., Andrew S., Teresa L., Juanita M. and Lilly A.

Maureen presented the report.

Short Range goals are:

  1. To update the list 12thstep within contacts.
  2. Have the committee called 12thStep Within-Keep Coming Back Committee.
  3. Ask Pat from Tulsa to be a liaison for the 13thweek R and R workshop.
  4. Contact WSO to ask for an approved Big Book Study for OA.
  5. To update and maintain the speaker list.

Long range goals are:

  1. To put 12thStep Within contact info for each intergroup in the Horizon newsletter.
  2. To write and submit a letter to Lifeline.
  3. To maintain membership through use of the Horizon newsletter.


Chairperson: Jan B.
Emily S.
Francene A.
Members: Francene A., Hallie D., Jackie M. and Kellie G.

Jan presented the report.
Short term goals were:

  1. To complete and review the list of HIPM/PI chairs and other contacts.
  2. To draft a short questionnaire to go out to all HIPM chairs by web or newsletter.
  3. To put the HIPM committee on the website.

Long range goals were:

  1. To challenge each group to do a HIPM/PI event and report back to the committee
    about it.
  2. To post best practices of events on the website and in the newsletter.

Communications and Technology

Chairperson: Richard F.
Sallie G.
Mary H.
Jane S.

Richard presented the report.

Short range goals were to:

  1. Gain control and conduct the web changeover to new committee members.
  2. Consult with the past communications secretary.
  3. Get web information up to date.
  4. Distribute a committee contact statement.
  5. To copy each committee members on all emails.

Long range goals were:

  1. To develop a comprehensive Region III email list.
  2. To make progress in the blending of Communications and Technology.

Ways and Means/Finance

Chairperson: Mike K.
Rhonda J.
Lynn O., Lorrie D., Lori G., Andrea M., Jackie W., Leesa M.

Mike presented the report.

The profit from the previous fundraiser was $323.19.

Short range goals were:

  1. To promote sales of the current fundraising item.
  2. To appoint a new fundraising coordinator (Andrea M).
  3. Bring forth a motion to establish a prudent reserve.

Long range goals were to:

  1. Sell every key chain.
  2. Dispose of unsold previous fundraising items.
  3. Continue to research appropriate fundraising items.
  4. Put the Ways and Means/Finance committee on the website.


Chairperson: Cathy K.
Vice Chair:
Karen S.
Nola W.
Marilyn B and Barbara V.

Marilyn presented the report.

Short range goals were to:

  1. Bring forward proposed bylaws amendments and to review the bylaws after WSBC.

Long range goals were to:

  1. Review bylaws and policy manual after each WSBC to assure conformity.



There was enough money collected to give away four subscriptions to Lifeline Magazine. The four winners were Jane S., Sallie G., Marilyn B., and Jan B.




The bylaws committee brought forth a motion to correct wording in a proposed amendment. The motion passed.

Mike K .presented motions that were proposed and included in the packets. The motion to amend the policy and procedures manual by adding a new section VI Committees was seconded and passed.

The motion to amend the bylaws in Article XI Committees to change wording of names of HIPM/PI to Hospitals, Institutions, professionals and Military(HIPM/PI)/Public Information (PI) and Computer to Communications was seconded and passed.

A motion was made to amend the wording in Bylaws IX Duties of Steering Committee Members by striking 4.under B. Vice Chair duties and adding 5. Shall be responsible for updating and maintaining Region III Bylaws and Policy Manualand 6.Shall serve as co-chair of the Bylaws committee.

The motion also added under duties of the Treasurer: 6. To serve as co-chair of the Ways and Means/Finance Committee and added duties 3, 4, 5 and 6 to the Communications Secretary duties: 3. Shall serve as editor and coordinator of website content, 4. Shall maintain control of all passwords and information necessary to access and maintain the Region III website, 5. Shall keep a calendar of upcoming events taking place within Region III and all Intergroups and lone groups in Region III to disseminate information concerning these events, and 6.Shall serve as co-chair of the Communications Committee. The motion was seconded and passed.

Another motion was made by Mike K. which dealt with motion forms being made available on the website so that all motions could be prepared in advance of Assemblies. That motion was withdrawn for further consideration and rewording.

Cathy K., chair of the next convention and assembly in Houston invited us all to come to Houston in October 2006 and passed out a nice packet of materials regarding Houston. Thanks for the bandannas!


Andrew S., Chairperson,read from pp.350-351 in Robert’s Rules of Order, which explained this part of our Parliamentary Procedure. Each representative introduced him or herself and told where they were from. One rep advertised the tee shirt she was wearing as a fundraiser for her expense to WSBC.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.