As I finish my term as Communications Secretary, it’s good to look back on the progress we’ve made in carrying the message of recovery to Region Three.

When I first joined the steering committee, we were communicating mostly on paper via Horizon, with only a basic presence on line. Now we have an updated website that gives us the ability to do everything from inter-committee communication to archiving old documents. Now changing steering committee members is a matter of exchanging passwords rather than cardboard boxes full of old minutes and newsletters.

Please check out our fabulous redesign at Credit for this goes to our outgoing webmaster Clyde H., whose hundreds of hours volunteer work made it all possible. It’s been a pleasure working with our committee, especially chair, Kim G. But ultimately, it was the vision and drive of Francene A. who took us from “we should think about doing this” to Hey, it’s up and running.”

I would thank the Region III delegates and members of the hosting cities, for the opportunity to be of service. Finally, I want to also honor the steering committee members I’ve been privileged to work with, including Francene A., Andy S., Andrea M., Marcia F., Barbara V., Rhonda J., Nola W., Eric B., and Juda S., as well as our trustees, Debbie W. and Wanda S. Thanks for all your love and support.

– Mary H, Communications Secretary